2 Diy Ways To Retain The Regal Air Of Your Marble Decor

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Marble is one of the most common types of stone used for flooring and decorative purposes.

Marble is one of the most common types of stone used for flooring and decorative purposes. This stone has an aesthetic appeal when used for flooring, walls or even sitting spaces. However, some homeowners complain that marble floors don't stay clean at all. This happens because dirt gets embedded deep in the crevices of the stone's surface. To avoid this problem completely, it is important to get rid of any dust or dirt accumulated on the surface as soon as possible. To keep your marble floors clean, it is suggested that you sweep or vacuum your floor at least once a week.

These stains can be removed using household items such as Hydrogen Peroxide, baking soda and vinegar. Just mix the ingredients in equal proportion to make a cleaning solution. For instance, use two tablespoons of baking soda, two tablespoons of vinegar and enough hydrogen peroxide to make a soft paste. Using a clean cloth apply the mixture on the area where the etching or stain is present and rub gently. After this, wash the area with clean water and let it dry naturally. For tougher stains use cheesecloth along with other things such as lemon juice or ammonia to remove them. For more detail, please refer to the info-graphic below.

